Environment · Parenting · Playtime

Waiting for the “FALL SEASON”

pexels-photo-157310Baby Alizeh is going to experience her first Fall in shaa Allah. As she is 1.5 years now and she is a person who loves nature felt i will plan a list which can be done by all kids of the same age with fun. She usually loves to explore the barks, leaves, sticks, roots, pines etc. As this is Fall we will get a nice opportunity to stay outdoors more as the Sun will soften and air will be crisp. It’s rightly said kids learn from home and i love this feel to learn with my daughter. When we think about the Season Fall , Pumpkins come in-front of Us so we will go for a pumpkin patch in shaa Allah
The leaves are going to help our kids best to explore stuffs

Sensory Play
When there are heaps of leaves we will like to jump,run, crash and explore all possible plays. Kids will teach us how to explore with the nature and for sure unstructured play will make the kids shine and they will know their world better.


Ask your child to walk on the trial of leaves which are built on the grass for safety factors. It will be easy for us to walk but for a 1.5year old it will be difficult for sure and this will help them to coordinate and refine their movements. It will also help them to analyse and take decision without risking when falling down.

I have seen in documentaries that the leaves fall continuously all over the Season and im going to witness the same in shaa Allah with alizeh for the first time. So what we are going to work on is to catch the leaves one by one when it falls down. In shaa allah we will rock this

Run, hop, hide
As the leaves are going to be in heaps we can run, walk, hop without fear of falling down and getting hurt. We will follow the bunnies, squirrels and try to imitate them in shaa Allah. Currently babyA loves to walk, run and this activity will help her to practice and i can be worry free in shaa Allah

Being a toddler in slowly trying to introduce sorting technique soon in shaa Allah. Felt this season will help me. I can ask her to differentiate big leaves from small ones, can differentiate shapes, sizes, colors etc

Play peekaboo
Hide some pine or bark or anything under the heap of leaves and we Wil find them in shaa Allah

Treasure hunt
Have plans to hide some stuff and search with the baby just like a new time searching for it.

Fall colouring
With the paint we can ask the kids to paint with leaves which will help them to understand more about the world they live in.


Hearing sounds
When The leaves are being crushed we can make them hear the sounds and this will help them to identify the different kinds of sounds in shaa Allah

These are the few tips I have planned to make our time enjoyable and for sure you would have some ideas to welcome this Fall, please do share with us!!

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