Monthly Goal · Parenting

Let’s Plan and work for a productive Living-January

Let_s Plan and work for a productive Living (1)

Welcome to my FIRST post of 2018-Goal planning post for 2018! I am really excited that you have hopped in to read this special post of mine. Since December, I have made it mandatory to write my monthly Goals as it’s really difficult for me to work on daily basis without planning. So with the Planning, I am accountable and when looking back I will know if I am doing my things right.

To know about the December month Goal you can click here!

So how did December Goals Go?

  • Concentrate on Health- Alhamdulilah trying to eat healthy but I was unable to concentrate on workouts as we are in the 18th month regression stage.
  • Build a Strong Relationship with Almighty- I failed here as I wasn’t able to read a juz per day as decided. In shaa allah will plan better which is feasible for now. Taking baby steps is really good.

January Goals

          I am breaking down my categories into 5 areas:

 Religious; Parenting; Family; Alizehmysoul blog and Learning a new art.

Religious Goal:

          I want to build a strong relationship with Almighty,

  • So to Pray 5 times a day with full concentration In shaa allah
  • memorise a surah a day.
  • Try to read a page from Hadith with meaning.

Parenting Goal:

  • I am Planning to concentrate this month with simple play-based learning.
  • Try to involve her in making the bed. You might laugh but she loves helping me so she can pull the sheet, arranging the pillows etc.

Family Goal:

          I need to work on this. My motive is going to be “Do It on the Spot”. A task to be done whenever need arises. With a toddler around my home will be spread with toys, balls, spoons, etc. So whenever I cross the spot clean it then and there so I can relax.

Have No Laundry to fold the next day

Have to go through the stuffs and donate them In shaa allah as we feel the more we donate, more the Gratitude behaviour grows within you.

Read stories and speak lot as a family

Alizehmysoul Blog Goal:

  • December was good in terms of writing. In shaa allah have to plan quality articles this month.
  • Have to collaborate with a blogger to exchange a guest post or two.
  • Link up my articles.

Learn a New Skill:

     After babyA I started taking photographs. So In shaa allah I am going to capture a special moment or anything which amazes me and make an album of it. In shaa allah I will become a skilled photographer:p

I don’t know If I would be able to complete all of these and I haven’t planned things before babyA but doing now just because of babyA’s presence in my life. It might be a simple thing for you but it’s a huge list for me and In shaa allah as planned I will have to work on it.

Please do encourage me and if you really wish you can join our journey too by sharing your plan for the month January! Come let’s begin a well planned fun filled Winter Season!

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Welcome to the Monthly Goals Blog Hop! Do you plan your month ahead? Have you anything in particular that your looking forward to this month? Is there anything in your life that needs focus? Kids, family, self… what is your motivation?
This blog hop and link up is to help you make new friends and find a partner to stay accountable to. Every month, a group of us get together to write our monthly goals. This helps us stay connected, accountable as well as inspire other moms to know how we do it all.
This month the participating blogs are:
Jeddah Mom – Confident Parenting | Deliberate Motherhood
Multicultural Motherhood
Mommy’s Next step 
Alizeh My Soul

20 thoughts on “Let’s Plan and work for a productive Living-January

  1. These are some very motivational new year goals , creating optimism & positivity Alhamdulillah.
    In sha Allah, I will also try my best to achieve these certain goals from this year onwards.


  2. Came across this post as the perfect time as I just finished writing my monthly goals. I generally have 3 categories- Main business, my side work and then personal development which consists of family and religious based goals.


  3. These are some great goals, I’m working on setting myself a challenge which is based mainly on family focus! This has given me some encouragement to push more to get more done!


  4. I have great respect to all who put their goals out there! It brings it a lot of attention, and so more push to stick to them!
    Just one noe though – it is fine to not always get there, so don’t feel bad about not meeting the goals – as long as yesterday is a bit better than day before and today better than yesterday. there will be ups and downs and in-betweens!
    All the best ❤


  5. Productive living…the words itself carry lot of meaning to me….thank you for sharing your goals and ideas…


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